Ihre Kommentare

It should be possible to include the PngExporter.cs and GraphicsRenderContext.cs (from the OxyPlot.WindowsForms project) - then you don´t need to reference System.Windows.Forms.

Changing anything in the `PlotModel` will redraw everything.

See the overlay WPF example
I think this is a possible way to implement a moving indicator!
Sorry, support for JPEGs are not yet supported. It needs to read the width/height from the header...
See the implementation of `LineSeries.GetNearestPoint`. I think you need to find the interpolated Y in screen space, then inverse transform to get the Y. Created a derived series since the `SmoothedPoints` property is protected.
This sounds like a bug, I don't see any issues with your code. Please create a GitHub issue!
I see there are 2 issues remaining in the v2015.1 milestone. These should be solved or removed from the milestone.
I would also like to see all examples being tested, and all bugs found there being added in the GitHub issues backlog. Hopefully we don't find any blocking issues...
I would like to remove the Pdf exporter based on PdfSharp/SilverPdf. Those can only be used for NET4 or Silverlight

But currently the internal pdf exporter is not very good at text (fonts and encoding) and images (png decompression, I don't think support for jpeg and bmp format is important).
I agree the OpenXml and Xps exporters could be removed.

I agree png and svg are the most important, but I think pdf should also be included.
Png exporters should be created for all the Xamarin platforms.
The svg and pdf exporters should be included in the portable core library.

I agree the reporting model can be moved to another repository. But I like the feature to be able to create a report where plots are exported in best possible format for the chosen output format (e.g. plots are included as pdf in a pdf report, or as svg in a html report).
No problem! The rubberduck is always very helpful :-)
The OxyPlot.Wpf classes are not covering the full functionality of the classes they are wrapping, I don't think any events are implemented yet. For full functionality I recommend using the PlotView and a PlotModel!