This is the discussion forum for OxyPlot.
For bugs and new features, use the issue tracker located at GitHub.
Also try the chat room!
Under review

Is it possible to draw spectrogram with OxyPlot ?

Daniel Daniel fa 9 anys updated by Steve Weavers fa 5 mesos 2

Limit zoom to axis only

M B fa 1 any 0

(Why) Has Oxyplot development stopped

oxyplot fa 1 any 0

Axis.MouseDown / Area Property

alex fa 8 anys updated by Mark Bean fa 2 anys 5

PlotView does not change height with property change

Trang fa 2 anys 0

PlotView callbacks

Mike R. fa 2 anys 0

WPF LineSeries not refreshing

Oystein Bjorke fa 10 anys updated by Ed Walker fa 3 anys 1

Is it possible to hide completely Axis labels/values but not Tick Marks/Gridlines?

Smoke fa 6 anys updated by Matt fa 3 anys 3

StringFormat of TimeSpanAxis

Beorne fa 4 anys 0

Rotate title of a LinearAxis

Oystein Bjorke fa 10 anys updated by Che fa 4 anys 2

How to Display All axes in positive number

Che fa 4 anys 0

Drag points up or down in a line series

venky6189 fa 4 anys 0

VERY bad performance of OxyPlot LineSeries with over 2M in one plot(WPF)

mike fa 7 anys updated by Gowin fa 4 anys 8

Poor Rendering Performance with LinearAxis and LineSeries with 72k DataPoints

loiti fa 4 anys actualitzat fa 4 anys 1

How do I display multiple series label for the shared axis?

John fa 7 anys updated by Richard DeVenezia fa 5 anys 1

Bad UI response when the rendering points is too big

Gowin fa 5 anys actualitzat fa 5 anys 1