Save as png
This discussion was imported from CodePlex
sanndeb wrote at 2011-11-23 05:51:
if you want to use save as png use the following
// todo: Use imagetools.codeplex.com
using ImageTools;
using ImageTools.IO;
using ImageTools.IO.Png;
public partial class Plot : Control, IPlotControl
public void SaveAsPng(SaveFileDialog dialog)
SaveToImage(dialog, new PngEncoder());
void SaveToImage(SaveFileDialog dialog, IImageEncoder encoder)
using (var stream = dialog.OpenFile())
var image = this.ToImage();
encoder.Encode(image, stream);
Similerly you can save as bmp etc as well....
objo wrote at 2011-11-23 06:40:
Yes, Imagetools seems to be a great solution for png export for Silverlight.
I will add an example showing how to use it, but don't think the reference should be added in the standard OxyPlot.Silverlight project.
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