Contour Plot

Oystein Bjorke 11 year бұрын updated by Pavithra K S 9 year бұрын 1
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nitekonline wrote at 2014-06-03 15:43:

I'm new to oxyplot so please bare with me.
I'm trying to plot a contour map/heatmap to produce a representation of a wafer thickness.
I only have xyz dataset as follows:
X               Y             Z 
0.025        6.915       202.17 
-50.116     61.255     144.99 
50.123      61.295     172.92 
50.166     -47.425    218.53 
-50.074    -47.465   162.61 
-0.018      115.635   152.77 
100.233   88.494     192.23 
125.325    6.964      155.08 
100.297   -74.586    145.74 
0.078      -128.985   216.98 
-100.183  -74.664    146.37 
-125.275   6.866     134.94 
-100.247   88.416   119.83 
-75.198   115.605   127.53 
75.162     115.664   178.94 
75.248    -101.776   159.43 
-75.112   -101.835  150.74 
Could someone provide me some guidance on how to plot this?

cureos wrote at 2014-06-03 16:15:

I might be out on a limb here, but I think that both ContourSeries and HeatMapSeries expect a 2-D rectilinear grid of data.

If this is indeed the case, you would first need to sample your scattered 2-D data onto a rectilinear grid with some kind of interpolation technique (Wikipedia). Then, initialize your ContourSeries or HeatMapSeries using the resampled rectilinear grid. You'll find sufficient code examples in the example browser for defining these types of series.

nitekonline wrote at 2014-06-03 16:50:

You are right, cureos. Need to create a rectilinear grid based on the data. Thank you for your guidance.

Can any one help me out in implementing the contour plot using Heat map i tried with the same sample project provided in oxyplot it works fine. but when i use the different formula to calculate the points its not working as expected. can any one pls help me out its critical