GetClippingRect fails due to XAxis and YAxis being null

Oystein Bjorke 11 lat temu 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

dvkwong wrote at 2011-11-23 08:49:

I am writing a render context using MonoTouch for IOS and I having trouble with rendering

var plot = ExampleLibrary.BarSeriesExamples.SimpleBarSeries();

I get an exception in the GetClippingRect method trying to acces XAxis and YAxis which are both null.

How do I go about setting these properties?

I am able use the below example and this works ok-ish

var plot = ExampleLibrary.PieSeriesExamples.LinearAxes();



BTW: When I am done I will contribute the code back to you.

objo wrote at 2011-11-23 09:06:

cool to hear that you are working on a MonoTouch implementation!

Remember to call PlotModel.Update(true) to prepare the plot for rendering. This method will set the axes for the BarSeries.

After update, you can call PlotModel.Render with your MonoTouch render context. 

dvkwong wrote at 2011-11-23 09:15:

That solved the problem. Thanks

dvkwong wrote at 2011-11-25 08:52:


I have checked in my changes to

This contains an example iphone app displaying the graphs from the examples assembly.

Supports png and pdf export as well.

Note the text rendering is not 100% perfect but I am sure someone can help out.

Also I made some minor changes to the core OxyPlot library Eg Allow changing of Default font, and 2 of the assemblies the csproj has ProjectTypeGuids



objo wrote at 2011-11-25 11:13:

very cool! I'll have a look at the code later! Does it work with the evaluation version?

Can the same code be used to build for Mono for Android?

dvkwong wrote at 2011-11-26 07:48:

Yes works with eval.

Not sure about Android.