How do I display multiple series label for the shared axis?

John hace 8 años actualizado por Richard DeVenezia hace 5 años 1

How do I display multiple series label for the same shared/linked axis? In my conversion, I am trying to emulate something like the picture below. Image 61

I am new at this and looking at the position tier example, but can't figure it out. Many Thanks.

The series property XAxisKey and YAxisKey will match up to the axes with the corresponding Key.

  fluidSeries.YAxisKey = "Cubic meters per day";
  oilSeries.YAxisKey = "Cubic meters per day";
  waterSeries.YAxisKey = "Cubic meters per day";
  yaxis1.Key = "Cubic meters per day";
  TotalGasSeries.YAxisKey = "Cubic K-meters";
  GasRateSeries.YAxisKey = "Cubic K-meters";
  yaxis2.Key = "Cubic K-meters";