negative axis step

Gsword 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Peter 6 aastat tagasi 1

I have been looking for a way to invert an axis (smallest value in the top, largest in the bottom).


LinearAxis la = new LinearAxis()
                    AbsoluteMaximum = 10,
                    AbsoluteMinimum = 1, MinimumMajorStep = -1, IntervalLength = -1, MajorStep = -1

Oxyplot fails if max < min or step is less than 0 (exception).

It would be nice if this was possible

I have the same problem for FTIR spectra were the usual display is decreasing wavenumbers from left to right.

model.Axes.ElementAt(0).Minimun = 12.400
model.Axes.ElementAt(0).Maximum = 3.800