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I can't manage to build the code I just cloned... I have VS2012 with .NET 4.5 and the solution does not build, returning lots of missing namespace references... any idea on this, anyone?
There is something interesting going on when I set Smooth to true. Even though the series is not respecting the time constraint, the tracker is not following the series! It is following the exactly path that I wanted in the first place.

It may be difficult to view this as a static image, but when I advance the tracker I never go backwards, like I was trying to do (this will only happen with smooth = true). So this interpolation is being done already some place, it is just not plotted as a series.
All right. I created the issue #215 and will track progress on this task there! Thanks again!
Hi objo, thanks for the answer!

Unfortunately it does not return the expected chart. If I set Smooth to true, I have this:

As you can see, I still have the  "series going backwards" problem.
Thanks for the answer! I agree that points should be in sync, so I think that the best idea is to create something like an AreaSeriesItem like you have suggested. If I can be of any help implementing it please let me know!

Best Regards,
I'd like to have a similar behavior with an AreaSeries; however, none of the two possibilities (DataPoint.Undefined and NaN) are working for me.

I'm trying to achieve something like this:
