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I tried to do the same thing with PointAnnotation. But I could not find any outline property to set the custom marker outline to. I was wondering if you could tell how custom marker could be done with  PointAnnotation. 

            const int N = 6;<br>
            var customMarkerOutline = new ScreenPoint[N];<br>
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)<br>
                double th = Math.PI * (4.0 * i / (N - 1) - 0.5);<br>
                const double R = 1;<br>
                customMarkerOutline[i] = new ScreenPoint(Math.Cos(th) * R, Math.Sin(th) * R);<br>
var pointAnnotation2 = new PointAnnotation();<br>
            pointAnnotation2.X = 40;<br>
            pointAnnotation2.Y = 60;<br>
            pointAnnotation2.Shape = MarkerType.Custom;<br>
            pointAnnotation2.Stroke = OxyColors.DarkBlue;<br>
            pointAnnotation2.StrokeThickness = 1;<br>
            pointAnnotation2.Text = "Square";<br>

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