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I have found a solution. Once you set Visibility property of a series you have to call
it was possible to create a two way binding between checkbox and series visibility but I had to add Click callback just to call InvalidatePlot(true)

duration 7h :D
Hi, I'm having the same problem but my case is very easy to replicate. I have created a xaml file with

<oxy:PlotView x:Name="plotView"">
<oxy:LinearAxis Title="[°C]" Position="Left" Key="Left" TickStyle="Inside" IsZoomEnabled="False" IsPanEnabled="False" MajorGridlineThickness="1" MajorGridlineStyle="Solid" MaximumPadding="0.05" MinimumPadding="0.05"/>
<oxy:DateTimeAxis Position="Bottom" StringFormat="dd/MM/yy HH:mm" AxisTitleDistance="22" AxisTickToLabelDistance="20" IntervalLength="75" MajorGridlineThickness="1" MajorGridlineStyle="Solid"/>
<oxy:LinearAxis Title="[%]" Position="Right" Key="Right" IsZoomEnabled="False" IsPanEnabled="False" MaximumPadding="0.05" MinimumPadding="0.05"/>
<oxy:LineSeries x:Name="TIn" Title="T In" ItemsSource="{Binding t_in_series}" Color="{DynamicResource t_in_color}"/>
<oxy:LineSeries Title="T In0" ItemsSource="{Binding t_in0_series}" Color="{DynamicResource t_in0_color}"/>
<oxy:LineSeries Title="T Out" ItemsSource="{Binding t_out_series}" Color="{DynamicResource t_out_color}"/>
</oxy:PlotView.Series> </oxy:PlotView>

In constructor I'm dynamically creating custom legend using checkbox IsCheckedProperty two way binding with series VisibilityProperty. This allows to hide/unhide series of a plot.

to replicate a problem one needs to do a trick
in constructor of a control I'm setting all series Visibility to Hidden.
when control is render at starts all series are hidden and all checkboxes are "unchecked"
"checking" checkbox causes exception described by RyanBuzzInteractive
I have discovered that calling series visibility using a button click function is not causing an exception after "checking" checkbox. It seems that plot has to rendered before setting series visibility.
By now I do not know how to call rendering manually.
