Your comments

You can hide the axis by setting IsAxisVisible to false. If you want to draw the tick lines, but not the labels, try setting LabelFormatter = x => null (I have not tested this)

Showing the labels on the inside is currently not supported, but it can be implemented in a custom axis class. This feature can also be added to the issue tracker!
I have added #175. Help wanted, I have no idea what is wrong... 
@fedcba: I am setting up an AppVeyor build that should both push to NuGet and provide the binaries. A question about the license has been added to the FAQ. The grey boxes behind the topic titles seems to be votes, I am not sure how all this works yet...

@Slxe: I just installed Ghostery, but did not see any difference on userecho. Is this still a problem? Is there anything we can do?
I see there is no custom outline property for the `PointAnnotation`. 
I have added issue #174
Right, this is covered by issue #151
Note that the codeplex issues are obsolete. 
This sounds like a bug! Are you seeing the same behaviour in the example apps?
Need to confirm the bug then add it to
Yes, no changes in the code should be neccessary. Just copy the OxyPlot.WindowsForms_NET40.csproj, change the target to v3.5 and reference OxyPlot_NET35.csproj

You could also consider using svg for your response.