Your comments

The issue about scale breaks is now at issue #7.
There is also an issue on removing weekends from DateTimeAxis, see issue #193.
Sorry, I am not aware on any progress on these issues.
Constructors with parameters are obsolete. It should be possible to replace them with the default constructor and object initializers!
Thanks! I think it is a good idea to discuss new features in this forum before adding to the issues.
These are new features. You should add them to the issues! Please create one issue for each feature.
Yes, the "VerticalIntersect" mode I suggested should track the x-coordinate and show values for all series. The current tracker implementation is tracking one series only.
I don't think this is supported in the current version.
See issue #49 that should cover this feature!
This is followed up at issue #184
Sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully we can get it sorted soon...
It would be very cool with a SEG-Y demo!
I don't think this is a general series, the wiggle lines should probably be implemented as a custom series.
Input data is offsets (double[]), time (double[]) and amplitudes (double[,]), right?
Thanks for testing. I see there is more work to do. Will notify when the package is up and running again!
I have published new packages for build 465-alpha (note that you need to select the prerelease channel), but I have not had a chance to test myself yet.