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Is there any news on an alternative to stop oxyplot from catching the mousewheel events yet?
I'm actually using this in a custom control for silverlight. I have a control with an oxyplot control located inside of it. I use it so i can add "PlotFunctionalities" to it. These are dependancyobjects which you can put in a list to specify application-specific functionality for my plotter (for example i have a functionality where i can select multiple ranges in the plot, and one where i can bind a list of floats to to display indicators, that last one parses the list i bind to and creates the propper annotations for the plot).

One of these functionalities also uses the mousewheel for zooming (i need to do some calculations when the plot is zoomed and thus cant use the build-in oxyplot zoom) and that is why i want to catch it.

I've currently reverted to version 305 since this was the last one i could find which didn't break my code.

What is the current way to reach the plot controller?