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How to draw AreaSeries with all of points in lineseries with Y > 50

Tin Truong 4 year бұрын 0

I want to draw AreaSeries with all of points in Lineseries with Y > 50. But I got the result like image below.
I just want to draw AreaSeries in red rectangle area. 

Image 172

var areaSeries = new AreaSeries()
StrokeThickness = 2,
LineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid,
Color = OxyColors.Transparent,
Color2 = OxyColors.Transparent,
Fill = OxyColors.Green,
DataFieldX2 = "X",
ConstantY2 = 50,


// Fill series with initial values
foreach (var point in seriesLumen.Points)
if (point.Y >= 50)



Does Oxyplot area series can be filled with gradient color

pavani tatikonda 5 year бұрын 0

Image 170 Does Anyone suggest any other chart view to achieve below graph


StringFormat of TimeSpanAxis

Beorne 5 year бұрын 0

What is the format of the StringFormat to give to TimeSpanAxis?



How to Display All axes in positive number

Che 5 year бұрын 0

Hi All,

I implemented this diagram with Oxyplot and WPF.

Image 169

How can you make the 4 axes positive?
is there an idea?

Many thanks to

Many thanks


Drag points up or down in a line series

venky6189 5 year бұрын 0

Hi Team,

I want to drag or move the points up/down to new position in a lineseries.

kindly do the needful on this


How to move the line series points in vertical direction only

Venky .Banla 5 year бұрын 0

Hi team,

I am using Oxyplot.wpf . I want to move the lineseries points by selecting single point in vertical direction only.

something similar to gamma curve. First and last point of lineseries points will be permanent(not movable).

and will be linear section at low end.



Poor Rendering Performance with LinearAxis and LineSeries with 72k DataPoints

loiti 5 year бұрын жаңартылды 5 year бұрын 1


i have a LineSeries with 72k Datapoints, Rendering time is about 20sec.

Is this normal? How can i speed up the rendering.

I am using LinearAxis for X and Y axis, LineSeries is bound to IEnumerable of OxyPlot DataPoints.


How to Add XAxis of CandleStickSeries?

Song Jae Kwang 6 year бұрын 0

I Want know this Topic...

ps : Now, my Current XAxis is showing default date (ex : 1899.09.01 ... etc)


Bad UI response when the rendering points is too big

Gowin 6 year бұрын жаңартылды 5 year бұрын 1

I am using winform version. If the points is about 1M points, When I try to RectangleZoom the rendered  model, the ui performances is relatively too worse for users.When I drag the model, the rectangle barely shows in a  few seconds.The zoom rectangle should be shown in a  much faster speed.How to improve the  response  speed, when the points to  render is  bigger than 1M points.

Tracker vertical line thickness in WPF

Igors 6 year бұрын 0

Is there any possibility to change trackers vertical line thickness. I found only color setting.