This is the discussion forum for OxyPlot.
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net standard 2.0 support

Spencer Prost 8 years ago 0

What is the roadmap for covering net standard 2.0 as an output nuget package? Are there plans to do multi-target builds against the full .NET framework (e.g. 4.6.1). As of 2.0.0-unstable1013, it has become difficult to use it in a full .NET 4.7 project due to requiring the entire netstandard library for 1.0 (1.6.1).



jimakhim 8 years ago 0



Wickr ID ... DREMEDS75

Kik ........ dremeds75


logarithm of a logarithm

yong 8 years ago 0

first ... my bad English sorry...

I need to draw the Y axis to logarithmic, 

but i want logarithm of a logarithm axis.

not log()

need log(log) cart



OxyPlot Lineseries doesnt draw first 50 points

Lars 8 years ago 0

Hi! I draw a simple LineSeries with 480 data points in Oxyplot. But for some reason the first 50 points are not drawn but can be marked.

I am using Visual Studio 2017 Windows 10 universal app.

Also when i zoom in or out and move the curve with mouse buttons. The curve is drawn anywhere in the app not only in the Oxyplot box.


negative axis step

Gsword 8 years ago updated by Peter 6 years ago 1

I have been looking for a way to invert an axis (smallest value in the top, largest in the bottom).


LinearAxis la = new LinearAxis()
                    AbsoluteMaximum = 10,
                    AbsoluteMinimum = 1, MinimumMajorStep = -1, IntervalLength = -1, MajorStep = -1

Oxyplot fails if max < min or step is less than 0 (exception).

It would be nice if this was possible


OxyPlot Bar Chart inside a listview control for Xamarin.Forms

Naveen Gogineni 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

I have a ListView with a binding template. And I have a list of PlotModels which I am using to bind to the list view.
And my PlotView is inside the template where I am binding the PlotModel to the PlotView.

Everything is running smooth in Android. But the problem is I am getting a error "PlotModel is already in use by some other PlotView control.".
when I am trying to run it on IOS.

//My content page
public MyConstructor()
List<MyChart> charts = new List<MyChart>();
charts.Add(new MyChart { PlotModel = PlotModel1 });
charts.Add(new MyChart { PlotModel = PlotModel2 });
charts.Add(new MyChart { PlotModel = PlotModel3 });
charts.Add(new MyChart { PlotModel = PlotModel4 });
ListView lvPlots = new ListView(ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement)
ItemsSource = charts,
ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(NewDashboardSubCell)),
HasUnevenRows = true
Content = lvPlots;

public class MyChart
       public MyPlotModel PlotModel { get; set; }

//My View Cell
public class NewDashboardSubCell : ViewCell
        PlotView plotView;
        public NewDashboardSubCell()
                plotView = new PlotView
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    IsVisible = true,
                    IsEnabled = true,
                    HeightRequest = App.ScreenHeight - 100,
                    WidthRequest = App.ScreenWidth - 40

                plotView.SetBinding(PlotView.ModelProperty, "PlotModel");

                View = plotView;                
            catch (Exception ex)


Description to datapoints

Max 8 years ago 0

Hi! Can I add a description to datapoint?


LastValue on YAxis

Dzam 8 years ago 0

How can I show last value of series on the YAxis?


OxyPlot used in the application was not loaded after clicking back button from the next screen

GITAM 8 years ago 0

A click in one item of fragment in the left pane triggers another fragment in right pane with many items each with OxyPlot in them. On selecting one of them, it goes to the next view of that item and when clicking back, the selected item in left pane loses focus but displays right pane with items and the items in right pane don't have OxyPlots. I would like to know possible reasons for it and how to resolve such issue.


Xamarin.mac mouse events not working

Dzam 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

I use Xamarin Studio 6.3 with Xamarin.Mac. I want to always show tracking info. I have try to use PlotModel.TrackerChanged, PlotModel.MouseMove and other events. PlotModel.TrackerChanged never happened, PlotModel.MouseMove have happen only when mouse button down and move (only 1 time). How can I do this? Why events not working? In the GTK# all fine.