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InitializeComponent exception

Robert 7 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 7 jaar geleden 3

I get an exception whenever I try to use OxyPlot in a UserControl (VS extension), I see that OxyPlot.dll and OxyPlot.Wpf.dll exist in the deployment location, and the XAML parses fine in the designer.

<usercontrol x:class="GraphicalDebugging.PlotWatchControl"
             d:designheight="300" d:designwidth="800">
    <oxy:plotview model="{Binding MyModel}"></oxy:plotview>

and in my UserControl class I got:

using OxyPlot;
using OxyPlot.Wpf;
namespace MyNS {
    public partial class MyControl : Usercontrol
        public PlotModel MyModel { get; private set; }

The exception I get is:

System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred
  Message=Could not load file or assembly 'OxyPlot.Wpf, PublicKeyToken=75e952ba404cdbb0' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
   at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)
   at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlAccessLevel accessLevel, Uri baseUri)
   at System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(Stream stream, ParserContext parserContext, Object parent, Boolean closeStream)
   at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
   at GraphicalDebugging.PlotWatchControl.InitializeComponent() in C:\code\git\temp\graphical-debugging\Visual_Studio_2015\GraphicalDebugging\PlotWatchControl.xaml:line 1
   at GraphicalDebugging.PlotWatchControl..ctor() in C:\code\git\temp\graphical-debugging\Visual_Studio_2015\GraphicalDebugging\PlotWatchControl.xaml.cs:line 29
   at GraphicalDebugging.PlotWatch..ctor() in C:\code\git\temp\graphical-debugging\Visual_Studio_2015\GraphicalDebugging\PlotWatch.cs:line 37
Inner Exception 1:
FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'OxyPlot.Wpf, PublicKeyToken=75e952ba404cdbb0' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I've installed OxyPlot.Wpf via Nuget. Ideas ??


Multiple Color LineSeries

timo94 7 jaar geleden 0

Hello guys,

Does someone know how to perform a Graph like this?

Image 116




Plot in UWP (Raspberry Pi 3 ) cuts off y axis

Markus Sanna 7 jaar geleden 0

Dear all,

I want to raise one question about a line series in UWP , Raspberry Pi 3,  which is cut off at the y axis at 350 and the x axis begins at ~120. Do you have any idea about the reasons?

Thanks in advance,


Image 115


Oxyplot xaxis exception

Isaac Sherman 7 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door kkc 7 jaar geleden 3

Hi!  I'm new to Oxyplot, but I'm trying to understand why this exception happens.  There are a few different ways of triggering it, as documented in and elsewhere.  There are numerous ways to trigger it, but it seems they center around removing some element and redrawing before everything is quite ready.  In my case, I was changing a series dynamically, and the simplest way was to clear the Plot.Series collection, start with a new LineSeries, build it, and then add it to the collection.  This throws the exception until I scale or zoom.  On the other hand, if I clear the series itself (I know I only have the one series in this plot, so no issue there) and then add the points, voila- I get no exception.  

void ThrowsException(){


            LineSeries littleSeries = new LineSeries();

            //Add Points here


           littlePlotView.Refresh();//Throws Exception


void WorksFine(){

            LineSeries littleSeries = littlePlot.Series[0] as LineSeries;

            //Add Points here

            littlePlotView.Refresh();//Draws properly!


Is this a bug?  Or is this intended?  I can see arguments for both.



Export without Invalidating plot

Skokan 7 jaar geleden 0

I want to Export a plot to png. The plot has dark background. I change the background for the export to white, but I do not want to show that change. Unfortunately during the export the plot is invalidated automatically and so the plot flashes white for a moment. Is there a way, how to change the background colour for the plot, but not the view itself?

I am developing WPF application and using the Oxyplot.Wpf library.


PNG exporting is not consistent across PCs (previously was)

Rishikesh Parkhe 7 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 7 jaar geleden 0

Hi, we are using Oxyplot for unit testing where we compare the PNG image exported by the test with a verified baseline. This was working until recently - all of a sudden there are failures due to micro changes in the text rendered in the graph. 

Image 110


Image 111

Generated by test

The text which is generated is not consistent across PCs, we are getting different failures. Can you please suggest how we can again start to get consistent exporting in PNGs?

Oxyplot version: 2013.1.52.1




How to fast Feed large number of data to OxyPlot?

ShannonZ 7 jaar geleden 0

I have about 100k ponits(TComplex[100k] ) to draw. 

 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    public struct TComplex
        public float Re;
        public float Im;
    } // end TComplex

The data(along side with a recording time) was returned by an older hardware API to control the machine to start scan. 

I want to draw the real part, imaginary part and the amplitude(calculated using Re and Im) of the TComplex[100k]. To feed data  to PlotMode, I create a new class "measurement" to contain Re, Im, and Abs:

 public class Measurement
        public double tau { get; set; }  // recording time(ms), xlabel
        public double Re{ get; set; }  // ylabel
        public double Im { get; set; } // ylabel
        public double Abs { get; set; } // ylabel


Then in the viewModel part, the scanning data was feeding to  

public Collection<Measurement> Measurements { get; private set; }

by a for loop:

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                dy += (r.NextDouble() * 2) - 1;
                y += dy;
                this.Measurements.Add(new Measurement
                                         Time =tau[i],
                                         Re = ...,
                                         Im = ...,
                                         Abs = ...

The data was displayed correctly but the for-loop was extremly slow when the scale of scanning data became huge. Is there any fast way to implement this? I just want to implement the matlab routine 

plot(x,Re,x,Im,x,Abs) using OxyPlot.


OxyPlot Line Serie drag a data point

Pier-Luc Rosa 7 jaar geleden 0

Hi I would lilke to be able to click on a Data Point and move that point to the top of the graph. As example, If I have 3 points (0, 15), (2, 85) and (4, 15), would it be possible to drag point #2 to (2, 100) ? I am working on Xamarin and I believe MouseMove are not supported ? Thanks


How to reset zoom

helpme 7 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Gowin 5 jaar geleden 1

I have an oxyplot RectangleBarSeries and a button "Reset". When I press the button I want the zoom to reset (in the same way the zoom resets when A is pressed on the keyboard). I've tried the ResetAllAxes(); function, but it doesn't work. Is there any other way to achieve this? 


Category axis alignment

martin tobias 7 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 7 jaar geleden 1

Hey there,

I need the left starting and end point of my category axis (x-axis) in order to align a rectangle below which is not part of the plot. Does anybody know how I can align my rectangle to this axis. I cant figure it out because there seems to be a gap between axis label and border of the whole plot which I do not know.

Hope this is enough information. Otherwise just ask.